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According to the actor-observer bias: 60 Photos

The Actor-Observer Bias

Here we describe the social psychology phenomenon of attribution called the actor-observer bias. ----------------- Hello all you big,...

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Observer bias refers to the phenomenon where the observer's knowledge of the treatment can influence their observations, either consciously or unconsciously. This can lead to biases in their observations, such as increased attention to certain lesions or diagnostic drift.
Explanation: The example of Actor-Observer Bias from the choices would be: 'Akbar believes he is unable to stop gambling because his friends all gamble and are a bad influence, yet Tim is unable to stop gambling because he is addicted to gambling.
Actor-Observer Bias. For example, if you perform poorly on a test, you might blame the result on external factors such as teacher bias or the questions being harder than usual. However, if a classmate fails the same test, you might attribute their failure to a lack of intelligence or preparation.
Observer bias is when the results of an experiment are influenced by a researcher's expectations. For example, If you expect that a certain place will be dirty and smelly, you might be more likely to notice trash or bad smells than if you expected the place to be clean and pleasant.
Revised on February 10, 2023. Actor-observer bias is the tendency to attribute the behavior of others to internal causes, while attributing our own behavior to external causes. In other words, actors explain their own behavior differently than how an observer would explain the same behavior.