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Actor forgets lines on stage: 59 Photos

When You Forget Your Lines | Spacious Acting™


Stay calm, breathe and carry on. Just play it off and make something up to cover it. The audience doesn't know what your line there was supposed to be so don't let it show on your face that you messed up!” Matt B. suggests “Try to relax, pause for a moment and try to remember the basics of what you were going to say.
When an actor forgets his lines, it is known as blocking. This term is similar to the psychological term that describes a temporary inability to retrieve a memory, where the actor is unable to access the dialogue or script in their memory.
Ways to Help Remember Your Lines. For example, actors might consider practicing their lines before bright lights or in front of people they don't know. While uncomfortable, life and careers do go on after line-forgetting moments. Pacino didn't let his Shakespearean snag stop him.
However, even with the best of intentions, actors can sometimes forget their lines.
The prompter. The prompter (sometimes prompt) in a theatre is a person who prompts or cues actors when they forget their lines or neglect to move on the stage to where they are supposed to be situated.