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Actor who played tron: 60 Photos

Tron the Cast from 1982 to 2022 - Then and now

How the main cast has changed in these 40 years and the last appearance: Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn / Clu Bruce Boxleitner as...

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Set to debut in theaters on October 10, 2025, “Tron: Ares” will bring back elements that made the original 1982 film innovative. It will continue pushing boundaries with state-of-the-art visual effects.
Summary. Tron: Ares will feature the return of franchise star Jeff Bridges. Other previous cast members, such as Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde, are not confirmed to return for Tron 3. While Kevin Flynn's story has concluded, Sam and Quorra's journeys remain more open, making their return for Tron: Ares more fitting.
The idea when they decided CGI Jeff Bridges was going to be in the film was that post Avatar and more importantly Benjamin Button this could be done. They got the Benjamin Button team I believe. And it should have looked amazing. But somehow CGI Bridges just looks fake all through the film.
Ed Dillinger. Ed Dillinger is the Senior Executive Vice President of ENCOM and the main antagonist of the first film. He is played by David Warner.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(vrTFZqXVFI_h0PEP0aawOA__187,
They became uncertain about continuing their robotic personas in light of this. Bangalter said as much as I love this character, the last thing I would want to be, in the world we live in, in 2023, is a robot, (via Billboard). Considering this, it's unlikely that Daft Punk will return to create music for Tron: Ares.