Actors for gun control: 59 Photos
“An actor's job is not to be a firearms or weapons expert,” the union said. “Performers train to perform, and they are not required or expected to be experts on guns or experienced in their use. The industry assigns that responsibility to qualified professionals who oversee their use and handling in every aspect.”
It's not the first time Pitt has revealed a fondness for weapons. America is a country founded on guns, he told the Daily Mail in 2012, just weeks after the shooting at a Colorado showing of The Dark Knight. It's in our DNA. It's very strange but I feel better having a gun. I really do.
Poor Liam Neeson was disappointed that he could not discuss gun control on “The View.” The Irish actor, who became an American citizen, is a serious gun control advocate, telling a British newspaper in 2014, “I am totally for gun control in the US.
It found that 64% of Americans support stricter gun laws, while 29% opposed them. Support was higher among Democrats (83%) than among independents (58%) and Republicans (49%).
Treat all firearms as though they are loaded. Refrain from pointing a firearm at yourself or anyone else. Never place your finger on the trigger unless you're ready to shoot. Anyone involved in using a firearm must be thoroughly briefed at an on-set safety meeting.