MoonageDaydream.Film » Actors » Actors in hidalgo

Actors in hidalgo: 59 Photos

Viggo Mortensen in Hidalgo |

Full Cast Of Hidalgo Actors/Actresses 💫

Hidalgo cast list, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This list of Hidalgo actors includes any Hidalgo actresses and...

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Every questioner has asked, “is Hidalgo really a true story, as the filmmakers claim?” Sadly, we have had to inform them that it is not, at least from the perspective of Hopkins's non-existent connection with Buffalo Bill and the Wild West. It's a great story, but it never happened. The Hopkins search is far from over.
5 different horses. Viggo Mortensen purchased the horse that played Hidalgo after the film was done. 5 different horses played the role of Hidalgo. The movie has made $108,103,450. It was released February 17, 2004 after being made on a budget of $78,000,000.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(6LrFZsqUG-qxwPAP3dOeqAM__183,
It stars Viggo Mortensen, Zuleikha Robinson, and Omar Sharif. Hidalgo was released by Buena Vista Pictures on March 5, 2004.
Viggo Mortensen riding T,J the horse who played the title character in the movie Hidalgo on the red carpet. After filming Viggo Mortensen purchased the horse, Viggo Mortensen did many of his own stunts and horse riding in the movie.
#Did You Know? The fabled, unverified 19th Century 'Ocean of Fire' horse race was said to stretch for 3,000 miles across the Arabian Peninsula. Today, the official 'World's Longest Horse Race', at over 600 miles long, is The Mongol Derby.