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Actors talking about acting: 60 Photos

Matt Damon Talks About What it Takes to Succeed as an Actor

Matt Damon talks about his early years, hustling around to auditions and figuring out that he was going to need to do something...

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acting, the performing art in which movement, gesture, and intonation are used to realize a fictional character for the stage, for motion pictures, or for television.
One of the biggest pros to being an actor is the fact that their job duties are often fun to complete. Portraying different characters and acting out scenes can be a very enjoyable process, especially when an actor has positive relationships with their cast members.
Love is on the set! For Hollywood stars, the set of a movie or television show is a breeding ground for romance. Whether it's rehearsing their lines or acting out their scenes, celebrities spend a lot of their time on set, making it the perfect spot to form a deeper connection with their co-stars.
They don't talk at all. It's very important to control the ambient sound while the featured actors are playing their scene. Background actors are silently miming conversations, or speaking only in quiet whispers to each other. The ambient murmers and clinking glasses sounds are added later in post.
The purpose of acting is to bring characters to life and to tell stories. While writers have the job of creating those characters and stories, the actors take them off the page and put them before an audience – whether that audience is in a theatre or on the other side of a television screen.