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Actors who died of lung cancer: 60 Photos

Actor Andre Braugher Died of Lung Cancer

The cause of death for acclaimed actor Andre Braugher has been revealed. It was announced by a publicist that the actor-director...

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Hollywood actors and actresses Lucille Ball, Arnoz Desi, Humphrey Bogart, Richard Boone, Yul Brynner, Rose Cipollone, Gary Cooper, and many others had succumbed to lung or throat cancer, mostly in their 5th to 7th decades of life. Walt Disney, the famous creator of animated characters and producer of Disney films had ...
Celebrities With Lung Cancer
  • Yul Brynner. 1/17. ...
  • Nat King Cole. 2/17. ...
  • Chuck Connors. 3/17. ...
  • Joe DiMaggio. 4/17. ...
  • Walt Disney. 5/17. ...
  • Duke Ellington. 6/17. ...
  • Betty Grable. 7/17. ...
  • George Harrison. 8/17.
About 2 in 5 people with the condition live for at least 1 year after they're diagnosed, and about 1 in 10 people live at least 10 years. However, survival rates vary widely, depending on how far the cancer has spread at the time of diagnosis. Early diagnosis can make a big difference.
Cure rates decrease to 40 to 50 percent if detected at stage 2 and go down to 25 percent at stage 3. Lung cancers detected at stage 4 are not curable, but treatment can often prolong life. Unfortunately, there's no way to detect lung cancer in its early stages on your own.
Illness, death and aftermath. In early November 1966, he was diagnosed with lung cancer and was treated with cobalt therapy. On November 30, he felt unwell and was taken by ambulance from his home to St. Joseph Hospital where, on December 15, at age 65, he died of circulatory collapse caused by the cancer.