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Actors who have lost weight: 60 Photos

20 Actors Who Were Forced To Lose Weight For A Role

The amount of work an actor puts into shedding the pounds for a new role can be shocking. George Clooneys weight-loss for...

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Billy Gardell had to put in a lot of work to lose over 150 lbs. in less than two years.
Across the board, the trifecta of proper diet, regular exercise, and good sleep—especially when supported by a team of experts—helps actors achieve their physique goals fast. “The closer you get to your goal, the more important nutrition is.
Drew Carey. This comedian, TV actor, and game show host realized he was carrying too much weight after chest pains led to a coronary procedure in 2001. In 2010, Carey began a diet and exercise plan that's helped him lose more than 100 pounds.
Christian Bale lost 63 lbs for “The Machinst.” His diet was a can of tuna, an apple, and a cup of black coffee to do it. He lost and gained weight for several movies but said now he won't do that to his body anymore. I don't know how long the diet took.
2023. After the ups and downs in his weight-loss journey, Goodman shed a whopping 200 pounds. I don't want to be an example to anybody when the weight comes thundering back on — when I start eating Crisco out of the can with a spoon and a side of confectioner's sugar, he quipped in his interview with AARP.