Akka actor state: 59 Photos
Actors are objects which encapsulate state and behavior, they communicate exclusively by exchanging messages which are placed into the recipient's mailbox.
State machine actors are actors whose logic is represented by a finite state machine or statechart. This page is just an overview on using state machines to represent actor logic. Read the documentation on state machines to learn about state machines in depth.
The behavior of an actor defines how it reacts to the messages that it receives. The message may either be of the type that the Actor declares and which is part of the ActorRef signature, or it may be a system Signal that expresses a lifecycle event of either this actor or one of its child actors.
Lightbend is the company behind Akka, used by development teams to build the most demanding, globally distributed, cloud native application environments and streaming data pipelines.
An actor represents a role of a user that interacts with the system that you are modeling. The user can be a human user, an organization, a machine, or another external system. You can represent multiple users with a single actor and a single user can have the role of multiple actors. Actors are external to the system.