Are most actors left handed: 60 Photos
29 Lefties thatll make you wish you were photo frames
These Famous People Are Left-Handed!
Are Left Handed People More Creative? Science Supports photos
Left Handed Famous People You Never Knew Were
Why are some people left-handed? - Daniel M. Abrams
💀Left-Handed People Shouldnt Exist
Hollywoods most iconic left-handed actors photo images
Another study conducted by the Harvard Medical School in 1996, revealed that attorneys and architects are “either the least right-handed or the most left-handed.” Researchers also concluded that lefties tend to be artists, musicians, or have careers in the creative field.
Something two former presidents, Jennifer Lawrence, and Justin Bieber have in common. About 10 percent of the world's population is left-handed—and there are plenty of famous people among them.
And lefties are disproportionate in categories like execs (Jeffrey Katzenberg, Brad Grey, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates), filmmakers (James Cameron, Spike Lee, Ken Burns), top female stars (Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson), and late-night comedy hosts (Jon Stewart, Jay ...
What exactly is this new theory? Researchers say the steadily low percentage of lefties is a result of the balance between cooperation and competition in human evolution. Humans have long had an evolutionary need to cooperate, such as when sharing tools or hunting in groups.