Batman 2022 falcone actor: 59 Photos
John Turturro. In live-action, the character has been portrayed in film by Tom Wilkinson in Batman Begins (2005) and John Turturro in The Batman (2022), and by John Doman in the television series Gotham (2014).);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(RLfFZrjvNd2txc8Pn9mEiAk__28,
Most recently, Colin Farrell's depiction of the villain was seen in the 2022 film “The Batman,” which starred Robert Pattinson and Zoë Kravitz, among others. In the movie, the Penguin worked as the lieutenant of crime boss Carmine Falcone (John Turturro).
Before Mitchell died, he told Annika Kosolov, a female employee from the Iceberg Lounge that Falcone was the rat. When falcone learned of this, he assigned William Kenzie to kidnap her, and interrogated her to see what Mitchell told her. Afterwards, she was brutally strangled to death by him.
Carmine Falcone was the leader of the Mob before he was taken down by Batman. The reigns to the Mob were handed down to Sal Maroni. Falcone's daughter, through illegitamite means, was Selina Kyle. While Carmine cared for her deeply, he ironically hated her alter ego Catwoman with all his heart.
After being told it was safe, Falcone and Diaz made their way to the entrance, only to be interrupted when Penguin and his men seized a man approaching them. Falcone instantly recognized him as Bruce Wayne, identifying him to Cobblepot and telling his men to release him.