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Battlefield 4 pac voice actor: 59 Photos

Characters and Voice Actors - Battlefield 4

Characters and Voice Actors - Battlefield 4

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Youtube - @TeddyKGaming


27. Clayton Pakowski is a Marine Combat Lifesaver in Battlefield 4. He is 27, and has a nickname as Pac.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(GrbFZtnNOMavwPAPvcrnkQc__24,
Canonically, Irish and Pac survive, as revealed in the events of Battlefield 2042. During the credits, the player hears new dialogue between Irish and Hannah, discussing their pasts, and how they have to keep moving forward with no regrets.
Michael Kenneth Williams. Battlefield 4 (Video Game 2013) - Michael Kenneth Williams as Sgt. Kimble 'Irish' Graves - IMDb.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(GrbFZtnNOMavwPAPvcrnkQc__31,
Sergeant Daniel Reck Recker is the protagonist and main playable character in the singleplayer campaign of Battlefield 4.
There is one swear word but if your child knows not to say them it is fine. It also teaches them about the sacrifice and pain the military goes through to protect us. This game has very good messages. I would recommend this game to any 13-year old that knows right from wrong and that know not to repeat any language.