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British actors who play villains: 59 Photos

The six reasons why British actors make the best movie bad guys

Top 10 Brits Who Always Play Villains

Top 10 Brits Who Always Play Villains Some British actors have a glowing reputation for playing the bad guy. Maybe its their tone...

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Update November 23, 2023: This article has been updated with more details on why these actors make for such great villains.
  • 8 Hugo Weaving.
  • 7 Javier Bardem.
  • 6 Ralph Fiennes.
  • 5 Mads Mikkelsen.
  • 4 Giancarlo Esposito.
  • 3 Christoph Waltz.
  • 2 Alan Rickman.
  • 1 Christopher Lee.
The Man with the Golden Wallet: Daniel Craig tops the list of 20 most successful UK actors
Actor - UKFame Score
1Daniel Craig96
2Anthony Hopkins94
3Sacha Baron Cohen86
4Hugh Grant94
The cold precision of that accent, the considered diction, consistent rhythm and expansive vocabulary, often plays well with the characterization of a criminal mastermind or evil genius. Brits can be villainous without being too threatening, classic panto villains. It works for a reason!
During the eighteenth century David Garrick achieved fame not only as an actor and playwright but also as a theater manager. Historians still refer to Garrick as England's greatest actor.
1Hannibal Lecter1991
2Norman Bates1960
3Darth Vader1980
4The Wicked Witch of the West1939