Brother dusk actor season 2: 60 Photos
Foundation Season 2 Preview: Lee Pace on Unhinged photos
Brother Dusk & Rue Death Scene | Foundation Season 2
Brother Dusk (@brotherdusk) / X pictures
Foundation S02E05 Demerzel and Brother Dusk
Foundation | Demerzel Reveals Her Intentions to Day | Season 2 Episode 9
Foundation - Demerzel confronts Empire I would not wish that emptiness on anyone scene
Brother Dawn Escapes with Queen Sareth | Foundation Season 2
Can we take a moment to appreciate that photo frames
Terrence Mann as Brother Dusk (Cleon I, XI, XII and XVI), the eldest member of a series of genetic clones of Cleon I who retired from his duties as Emperor; Mann also portrays an elderly Cleon I.
Terrence Mann. Foundation (TV Series 2021– ) - Terrence Mann as Brother Dusk - IMDb.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(IbfFZuSrOKmE1fIPh5j6qAk__24,
The youngest living member of the ruling clone family, Brother Dawn is next in line to be Brother Day. Dawn is portrayed by Cooper Carter as a young child, and Cassian Bilton as a young man.
Dawn may have a new actress, but thanks to the show's good writing and Sánchez's charming performance, Dawn feels like the same character, just with a different look.
Brother Dusk is portrayed by Terrence Mann, first appearing in the episode The Emperor's Peace.