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Carrie gumball voice actor: 59 Photos

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The Amazing World Of Gumball Voice Actors

The Amazing World Of Gumball Characters Voice Actors Gumball, Darwin, Richard ▻▻ Subscribe For More :

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During season 5, Hopkins was replaced in the new role of Gumball by Nicolas Cantu, as Hopkins' voice had changed due to puberty.
Character Information
Gender:Female ♀
Friends:Darwin (boyfriend) Gumball Penny Masami Rachel Teri Molly Leslie Carmen Sarah Ghosts Azrael (ex-boyfriend) Tobias (sometimes)
Enemies:Gargaroth Jealousy Jamie Tina Miss Simian Tobias
Gumball Watterson
The Amazing World of Gumball character
First appearanceEarly Reel (2008)
Created byBen Bocquelet
Voiced byLogan Grove (2011–2014) Jacob Hopkins (2014–2017) Nicolas Cantu (2017–2019) Duke Cutler (2020–present)
Carrie and Gumball are close friends. In The Ghost, Gumball allows her (somewhat reluctantly) to use his body so she could eat large amounts of food.
It is revealed in The Flower that he and Penny are cousins. Leslie plays the flute in the school band.