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Chimp actors: 60 Photos

How Andy Serkis Plays a Talking Chimp | Acting Class

Andy Serkis, famously known as Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, reprises his role as the talking chimpanzee Ceasar in War for...

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Unlike human stars, ape “actors” don't have happy retirements to look forward to at the end of their careers. Chimpanzees can live to be 60 years old, and orangutans can live to be 50, but their usefulness to the entertainment industry is usually over by age 8, when they become too strong and dangerous to be managed.
One year after that, Carter returned and found Lucy's skeleton with hands missing and head separated from the rest of the body, and no sign of skin or hair, from which Carter concluded that Lucy's lack of fear of humans may have made her susceptible to poaching.
Human-reared chimpanzees additionally tend to suffer from abnormal behaviors, such as repetitive rocking and hair plucking. Once young chimpanzees reach maturity and become too strong to control, they can no longer be used by trainers in the entertainment business.
In the largest and most in-depth survey of chimpanzee intelligence, researchers found that Natasha was the smartest of the 106 chimps they tested—a finding that suggests that apes have their geniuses, too.
If you are wondering which one is dangerous, both are. However, Gorillas are stronger but less likely to attack, unlike the chimpanzees that can easily bite your face and pull off your skill in just minutes.