Collaboration among actors requires creativity sharing and: 59 Photos
The most effective way to build a new character is to be specific about your characters' age, motives, strengths or weaknesses and profession. Specificity makes your characters realistic and also challenges you as an improviser to justify your choices.
When successful improvisers are faced with a problem onstage, they use what? Their wits.
5 Basic Improv Rules
- 1) Don't Deny. Denial is the number one reason most scenes go bad. ...
- 2) Don't ask open ended Questions. ...
- 3) You don't have to be funny. ...
- 4) You can look good if you make your partner look good. ...
- 5) Tell a story.
- Say Yes-and! For a story to be built, whether it is short form or long form improvisation, the players have to agree to the basic premise/situation and set-up. ...
- After the “And,” Add new information. ...
- Don't Block. ...
- Avoid Questions. ...
- Establish the Location and Relationship!