Endomorph actors: 59 Photos
Adele, Oprah Winfrey, Queen Latifah, Marilyn Monroe, Scarlett Johansson, Kim Kardashian, and Mariah Carey.
Yes, those with an endomorph body type by definition have higher levels of body fat, but that body fat can be lost through proper diet and exercise. Also, you cannot measure a person's general health just by looking at them or by measuring their body composition.
Serena Williams is another taller endomorph at 5'9, and she is a good example of the athletic endomorph. Her sport is tennis and tennis, as listed above, is one of the sports best suited for endomorphs. Tennis is an interval-based combination of cardio and strength, and endurance would be needed for longer matches.
There are many famous endomorphs who managed to keep their weight in check and look spectacular. For example, think of Gerard Butler in “300” or Russel Crowe in “Gladiator.” Even though being endomorphs, these two managed to transform their bodies, due to a combination of exercise, diet, dedication, and hard work.
Although Endomorphs seem to have the worst genetic luck, with proper exercise and nutrition, you can overcome this somatotype. Out of the three somatotypes, Endomorphs must pay the closest attention to their nutrition because losing weight may take more time than the others. You must commit to a lifestyle change.