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Fallout 4 nick valentine voice actor: 60 Photos

Fallout 4 Interview [Stephen Russell] Nick Valentine Voice Actor [Codsworth, Garrett, Corvo Attano]

Fallout 4 Interview with Stephen Russell, the voice of Nick Valentine about the acting performance, characters & moments from...

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Youtube - @Skycaptin5


DiMA is voiced by Stephen Russell, who also provided the voice of Nick Valentine. Although DiMA and Nick are directly linked and share many scenes with each other, their lines were recorded by Russell in different sessions.
In truth, the synth that became Nick Valentine was created over a century prior to 2287 within the Institute. He was one of two prototypes for the Gen 2 model, intended to test if and how synths could handle independent thinking and personalities.
Stephen Russell performs a wide assortment of voice roles for both Fallout and Skyrim. He also plays the later mentioned Nick Valentine in Fallout 4 too.
DiMA isn't really a clear-cut villain in Fallout 4. He's a complex character living in the shades of gray of post-apocalyptic ethics. Sure, he's done some questionable things, like replacing humans with synths and erasing memories, but it's all about perspective.
DiMA is an experimental second generation synth prototype, a brother to Nick Valentine. The two were the first synths capable of independent thinking and judgment.