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Famous infj actors: 60 Photos

50 Famous INFJ People (MBTI - 16 Personalities Test)

I hope you enjoy. *** Stands for INTROVERTED, INTUITIVE, FEELING, JUDGING. INFJ is called the advocate personality or the...

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Nicole Kidman tops our list for the most famous INFJ. She is confident, soft-spoken, driven and intuitive. Actress Cate Blanchett has also spoken of herself as an observer, and calls it a misnomer that all actors are extroverts. She is creative and driven, which lends her to the INFJ personality.
Nicole Kidman is one example of an INFJ actor. She is reserved, altruistic and determined. A likely idealist, she is passionate about making the world a better place through her own actions, as well as close relationships.
INFJs are renowned for their exceptional empathy and compassion. They have this uncanny knack for getting what others are feeling, truly bonding on an emotional level. This unique gift makes them remarkably supportive friends, partners, and community leaders. INFJs really care about helping people in need.
INFJ, also known as the advocate, counselor, or idealist, is the rarest type of personality in the general population. It represents about 1.5% of the general population in the United States. INFJ stands for: introversion.
INFJ is the most rare type, with the most rare type of genius. It's estimated that INFJs may be as rare as 1 in 100 and some will even reach adulthood without having a personal connection with a single other person of their type. The genius of the INFJ type is a function of the brain known as Introverted iNtuition.