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Fire emblem three houses ashe voice actor: 59 Photos

Fire Emblem Three Houses: The Voice Actors Behind The Blue Lions House

Hikari Interviews: Shannon Mckain (Voice of Ashe)

... contact with Shannon Mckain last week who is the voice of Ashe from Fire Emblem Three Houses! It was such a fun experience!...

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Voice Cast List
AsheYūki InoueShannon Mckain
AnnetteTakako TanakaAbby Trott
SylvainMakoto FurukawaJoe Brogie
IngridManaka IwamiBrittany Cox
Jennifer Hale. In all appearances, Ashe is voiced by Jennifer Hale, who Hill had originally wanted for the role and was pleased with her portrayal after auditioning several voice actresses. Hill encouraged her to ad-lib and improvise dialogue for the original short.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(37bFZuP6DaeVxc8PrqDFyAE__127,
Meet the Ashe voice actor. This fearless gunslinger is voiced by Jennifer Hale, the Overwatch voice actor is best known for her characters in Netflix's 'Love and Robots' or Mass Effect's Commander Shephard. Ashe is infamous among the hidden criminal underworld, the leader of the Deadlock Rebels Gang.