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Full house joey actor: 60 Photos

Dave Coulier Talks Full House Cast & Re-creates Joey Gladstones Famous Lines

Dave Coulier, who plays Joey Gladstone on Full House and Fuller House, opened up about his funniest moments from the...

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After Full House ended, Joey moved to Las Vegas, Nevada as a resident stand-up comedian.
In a new episode of his rewatch podcast Full House Rewind, the actor behind Uncle Joey (though, despite popular recollection, he was never actually referred to as Uncle Joey on the show) revealed the origin of his character's last name, Gladstone.
The girls never called him uncle Joey.
Joey Gladstone
Age:28-29 (Season 1) 29-30 (Season 2) 30-31 (Season 3) 31-32 (Season 4) 32-33 (Season 5) 33-34 (Season 6) 34-35 (Season 7) 35-36 (Season 8)
Hair Color:Blond
Birthday:September 21, 1958
Joey and Jesse were often seen getting into hijinks with each other and were equally involved in the raising of the girls, so it's natural that viewers would believe Joey was actually an uncle to them. However, he was not a blood relative to the Tanners but Danny's best childhood friend.