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Game of thrones actors talk about season 8: 60 Photos

3 Minutes of the Game of Thrones Cast Being Disappointed by Season 8

These people are contractually obligated to be nice about the show btw I obviously do not own the content of this video, I just think...

Views: 21120133
Youtube - @Dankius M. Meme


The Jon Snow actor says that “mistakes were made” when creating the ending to the global phenomena, noting it may have been “rushed,” but also that he's not sure there was another option given the cast and crew's exhaustion.
I'd love to discuss it! It was narratively destructive to most of the characters, and very few of the choices made in the end made very little sense. Lindsey Ellis has two videos about it where she goes into deep detail about how season 8 retroactively made the rest of the show pointless and bland.
While the performances, production values and music score were praised, criticism was mainly directed at the shorter runtime of the season as well as numerous creative decisions made by the showrunners regarding the plot and character arcs. Many commentators deemed it to be a disappointing conclusion to the series.
Gillian Anderson. In a 2013 interview with Stylist Magazine, Gillian Anderson said she turned down a role in Game of Thrones because she can't justify spending that kind of time away from home, unless [she's] working with [Martin] Scorsese. Many believe that the role Anderson passed on was Cersei Lannister or Melisandre.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(S7LFZtC9OrqDm9cPhLPJMA__29,