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Ghost actor fired: 59 Photos

Activision Cuts Ties with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Ghost Actor

Man FIRED Over 4 Year Old Joke ROASTING ZombiUnicorn! Call Of Duty Voice Actor Jeff Leach Cancelled!

I couldnt be more sick of this BS cancel culture. ZombiUnicorn Held this grudge for 4 years and got the man fired over it. The #1...

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Ghost - Voiced By Peter Dinklage (Game Of Thrones). He was later replaced by Nolan North due to his mediocre performance.
Meet the Ghost voice actor. Lieutenant Simon 'Ghost' Reilly in Modern Warfare: II (2022) is voiced by Samuel Roukin, an English actor also known for his role in Turn: Washington's Spies.
While in Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish, a short film released by Call of Duty saw Andrew Randall take up the role. Ghost has also been voiced by Jeff Leach in Call of Duty: Mobile.
Call of Duty Ghost Actor Fired After Misogynistic, Harassing Comments [UPDATED]