MoonageDaydream.Film » Actors » Grog critical role actor

Grog critical role actor: 60 Photos

Critical role - Unforgettable Gem Pike teaches Grog how to Read

From Season 1 of Critical Role an unforgettable gem where Pike the Cleric Teaches Grog the Barbarian how to read. Hilarity...

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Travis Willingham is a voice actor, a member of the main cast of Critical Role, and the CEO of Critical Role Productions LLC. He plays Chetney Pock O'Pea in Campaign Three. In previous campaigns, Travis played Grog Strongjaw and Fjord. He played Bertrand Bell at the start of Campaign Three.
Grog Strongjaw
AgeBetween 1 and 50 Younger than Pike 14 (Campaign 1; 812 PD) (jokingly)
LanguagesCommon, Giant, Dwarvish (from the Belt of Dwarvenkind)
PlacesWestruun, Tal'Dorei (residence)
FamilyStonejaw Strongjaw (deceased father) Kevdak (deceased uncle) Zanroar (cousin)
Archive:Grog, the Half-Giant Barbarian | Critical Role Wiki | Fandom.
6ft 4in. He later reprised the role in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. After moving to Los Angeles, Willingham attempted to pursue a career in acting but fared poorly due to his tall height (6ft 4in).);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(abPFZtCWAsX7kPIPhOzh6A0__49,
8 feet, 7 inches tall. Grog, being a goliath, is grey-skinned with tattoos all over his upper body and his bald head. He weighs upward of 645 pounds and stands at 8 feet, 7 inches tall. After having a phylactery removed from his body, a scar formed on his chest which remains a mark of the lingering darkness within him.