How do actors remember their lines reddit: 59 Photos
Actors Show Us Meaning Is Essential to Memory photos
How actors actually memorize lines
This deep understanding of a script is achieved by actors asking goal-directed questions, such as “Am I angry with her when I say this?” Later, during a performance, this deep understanding provides the context for the lines to be recalled naturally, rather than recited from a memorized text.
It needs to become something that you actually experience, not repeat like a multiplication table. Once an act or emotional life is experienced, it becomes part of your muscle memory and you can't lose it. It's IN you. As your understanding of the script and character deepen, you're not worrying about the words.
It's more than memorization. Know what your character is trying to say, not just the specific words from the page. If you know the point your character is trying to get across, you can always say something that keeps the play moving.”
Ways to Help Remember Your Lines. For example, actors might consider practicing their lines before bright lights or in front of people they don't know. While uncomfortable, life and careers do go on after line-forgetting moments. Pacino didn't let his Shakespearean snag stop him.
Helga and Tony Noice suggest that actors think beyond the words on a script instead, they try to understand the subtext, the hidden meaning behind the words. Actors are able to memorize their lines so well because they spend more time connecting with their character rather than rotely memorizing their lines.