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How long do actors have to learn their lines: 59 Photos

Do actors with main parts memorise the whole script, their lines and the  line before, or just their lines? How do they do it? How long does a  2-minute scene take to

Samuel L. Jackson: Memorizing scripts totally simple

(3 Oct 2018) Samuel L. Jackson says Hollywood actors have it easy when it comes to memorizing lines. (Oct. 3) Subscribe for...

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Actors face the demanding task of learning their lines with great precision, but they rarely do so by rote repetition. They did not, they said, sit down with a script and recite their lines until they knew them by heart.
Sometimes, actors can get signed to a project and have months or weeks to memorize their lines. Sometimes it may only be a few days, hours or minutes (if someone is casted last minute, or revisions are happening on set).
Actors are able to memorize their lines so well because they spend more time connecting with their character rather than rotely memorizing their lines. According to the researchers, actors engage in a process called “active experiencing” when they are working on embodying a particular character.
Stay calm, breathe and carry on. Just play it off and make something up to cover it. The audience doesn't know what your line there was supposed to be so don't let it show on your face that you messed up!” Matt B. suggests “Try to relax, pause for a moment and try to remember the basics of what you were going to say.
So, do actors really kiss? It depends. They usually do some form of kissing, but there are ways to get around it, such as with carefully chosen camera angles or smart editing. Whether you wind up locking lips with another actor or not, there's a lot that goes into kissing scenes that you should know about.