MoonageDaydream.Film » Actors » How much do actors get for commercials

How much do actors get for commercials: 59 Photos

How much does an actor in a commercial get paid? - Quora


This video is made to inform you on how much you can make doing a commercial as an actor....

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Youtube - @Brandon Brown


Session fees: The session fee is the base pay actors make right after they're done shooting. These payments are locked in if you're a union member, so it's a good baseline for how much you'll make as a commercial actor. Principal actors in commercials make between $588.90 and $783.10 as a starting session fee.
Initial payment: The initial payment compensates you for your time on set. Residuals: Also known as royalties, residuals are a form of secondary payment that you might relieve each time the commercial airs. These can sometimes generate more money than the initial payment.
The answer is no small amount. The truth is the Hollywood giants can make anywhere between $10 to $15 million for a spot in a commercial. It's an eye-popping salary for only a few days of work.
Tv Commercial Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$60,500$5,041
75th Percentile$46,500$3,875
25th Percentile$40,000$3,333
Dennis Haysbert. The highest paid commercial actors include the aforementioned and highly recognizable Stephanie Courtney, Paul Marcarelli, and Jonathan Goldsmith—as well as Allstate's Dennis Haysbert (“That's Allstate's stand.