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Improv exercises for actors: 60 Photos

Improv lesson from Tina Fey

Google talk, Tina Fey shares some of her Improv tips....

Views: 297093
Youtube - @Long Hoang


The first ten improv rules are:
  1. Say “yes'and!”
  2. Add new information.
  3. Don't block.
  4. Avoid asking questions- unless you're also adding information.
  5. Play in the present and use the moment.
  6. Establish the location.
  7. Be specific and provide colorful details.
  8. Change, Change, Change!
Improv games are acting exercises with no script. Instead of reciting lines, actors react to the situation and improvise dialogue and action. Scene situations often come from audience suggestions.
Improv character ideas
  • A detective with amnesia.
  • A parent who has misplaced their baby.
  • Lottery winner.
  • Game show host switching careers.
  • An alien trying to blend in with humans.
  • A dog that can suddenly speak English.
  • A clown who gets mad when people laugh at him.
  • Window cleaner who is afraid of heights.
Tina Fey's 4 Rules of Improv
  • You Must Agree. This doesn't mean everyone has to get along, but it means you must agree on the given set of circumstances. ...
  • “Yes” Isn't Enough, You Must “Yes, and…” Add to the discussion. ...
  • Make Statements. Have confidence. ...
  • There are no Mistakes!
1. Say Yes-and! For a story to be built, whether it is short form or long form improvisation, the players have to agree to the basic premise/situation and set-up.