Iron bank of braavos actor: 59 Photos
One Game of Thrones actor has revealed hes photographs
Game of Thrones E05E09: Iron Bank of Braavos - Usury
Tycho Nestoris. Tycho Nestoris is a representative of the Iron Bank of Braavos. He is a rational man, more interested in numbers than in words, reasoning that the former are less likely to deceive than the latter.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(KLXFZsLOMK_ekPIPiqSagQ4__39,
Game of Thrones The Laws of Gods and Men (TV Episode 2014) - Mark Gatiss as Tycho Nestoris - IMDb.
A writer, performer, and actor, Mark Gatiss is most famous as a member of the comedy team The League of Gentleman. His first taste of popular success was winning the 1997 Perrier Award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with his League of Gentlemen colleagues.
Early life and education. Gatiss was born in Sedgefield, County Durham, England, to Winifred Rose (née O'Kane, 1931–2003) and Maurice Gatiss (1931–2021).
Iron Boy is a fictional superhero character from Marvel Comics. His real name is Tony Stark, and he is also known as Iron Man. Iron Boy is a genius inventor and billionaire industrialist who created a high-tech suit of armor equipped with advanced technology.