Isuzu sento voice actor: 59 Photos
FGO and Type-Moon VAs: Amagi Brilliant Park : photographs
Amagi Brilliant Park Cast Reveal: Isuzu Sento
Isuzu Sento (Japanese: 千斗 いすず) is the main female protagonist of the Amagi Brilliant Park series. She is a 15-year-old staff member of the park.
Ai Kakuma
- WIXOSS as Ruko Kominato.
- The Asterisk War as Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld.
- Amagi Brilliant Park as Isuzu Sento.
- D.Gray-man Hallow as Lenalee Lee.
- The King of Fighters series as Yuri Sakazaki.
- Fire Emblem: Three Houses as Edelgard von Hresvelg.
- A Certain Magical Index as Misaka Worst.
- Super HxEros as Kirara Hoshino.
She is known for her work as Akame in AKAME GA KILL!, Komurasaki in ONE PIECE, Centorea in MONSTER MUSUME, Jeanne in THE CASE STUDY OF VANITAS, Rory Mercury in GATE, Isuzu Sento in AMAGI BRILLIANT PARK, Hinoe in NATSUME'S BOOK OF FRIENDS, Mako Reizei in GIRLS UND PANZER, Tania in BEAST TAMER, Manabe in CLASSROOM OF THE ...
Seiyuu Corner - Yoshitsugu Matsuoka is the voice behind Takashi Mitsuya from Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown!
Despite appearing human, she is a Maplelander from the magical land called Maple Land.