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Jack nicholson actors studio: 59 Photos

APRIL 23 - Jack NICHOLSON s insights about Acting


Born on the East Coast, Nicholson traveled to California at age 17 and landed a job as an office boy in MGM's animation department. Soon he began studying acting and eventually appeared on television and the stage.
Nicholson first came to California in 1950, when he was 13, to visit his sister. He took a job as an office worker for animation directors William Hanna and Joseph Barbera at the MGM cartoon studio. They offered him an entry-level job as an animator, but he declined, citing his desire to become an actor.
At the time, Pitt had been trying to break out in Hollywood for a few years. After quitting university he moved to Los Angeles and started to take acting lessons which led to him starting to play small and uncredited parts in movies and TV.
“Almost everything the guy ever did, in my opinion, was revolutionary, Nicholson added. “To me, Marlon Brando was the greatest ever. That's a truth I hold to be self-evident.”
Nicholson has established himself as a prominent art collector, having begun his journey in the 1960s. His collection proudly features works by artistic luminaries such as Picasso, Matisse, Rodin, Botero, Bouguereau, Modigliani, Magritte, and Warhol.