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Tom Clancys Jack Ryan Black 22 (TV Episode images
John Magaro: Victor Polizzi. Jump to: Photos (4)
Utgoff is best known for his portrayal of Aleksandr Borovsky in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and Dr. Alexei in the third season of Stranger Things. His other notable roles include Alexi in San Andreas (2015), Dmitri in Mortdecai (2015) and Yuri/Dimitri in The Wrong Mans (2015).
Alec Baldwin was recast as Jack Ryan by Harrison Ford and has since insisted he was essentially pushed out of the role to make way for the bigger name, who brought the beleaguered world-weariness he is known for to the role of an older, more jaded Ryan.
As a youth, Magaro also appeared in television commercials, and had a role in a Rescue 911 episode.
Main. John Krasinski as Dr. Jack Ryan, a former U.S. Marine officer and Afghanistan veteran working as a financial analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), specifically the Terror Finance and Arms Division (T-FAD) under the Counterterrorism Center (CTC); later promoted to head of T-FAD.