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Law and order svu male actors: 59 Photos

The cast of Law & Order: SVU: Then and now

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Law & Order SVU S05....

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  • Mariska Hargitay as Captain Olivia Benson.
  • Kelli Giddish as Senior Detective Amanda Rollins (episodes 1–9, special guest star episode 22)
  • Ice-T as Sergeant Odafin Fin Tutuola.
  • Peter Scanavino as Assistant District Attorney Dominick Sonny Carisi, Jr.
  • Octavio Pisano as Junior Detective Joe Velasco.
While on-screen Carisi is married to Rollins, in real life, Scanavino wed painter Lisha Bai. The couple have three children together.
Bradley Cooper (Season 6, Episode 20). One of the many successful products of the Law and Order–to–Oscar nominee pipeline, Bradley Cooper isn't the best performer in this aforementioned episode (that honor goes to Angela Lansbury; more on her later), nor was he the most famous at the time of its release.
Mariska Hargitay plays Captain Olivia Benson, the last remaining main character from the very first season of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. She is also the longest-running character in the Law & Order franchise, credited in over 550 episodes within the franchise.
When did Detective Joe Velasco join SVU? Velasco's first appearance on SVU was in Season 23, Episode 1 (And the Empire Strikes Back), where he surprised Sgt. Odafin “Fin” Tutuola (Ice T) and Detective Amanda Rollins (Kelli Giddish) at the scene of an arrest.