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List of blind actors: 59 Photos

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Here's something you may not have known about Jake Gyllenhaal: He's legally blind, and he's been that way all his life. His vision is 20/1250. Since he was six years old, he's had to wear either intensive corrective lenses or Coke-bottle glasses to see. He even used to have a lazy eye, but it corrected itself.
Jake Gyllenhaal sees some benefits to being legally blind. The Road House actor, 43, said his eyesight has been advantageous to his movie career, in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter published Wednesday. I've never known anything else, he said.
It's also one of the first shows anywhere to include a large cast of people who are blind or low vision. See's stars, Jason Momoa and four-time Emmy winner Alfre Woodard, aren't blind, but many other members of the cast and crew are.
The part of Marie-Laure eventually went to Aria Mia Loberti. Calle Walton, a 24-year-old actress who has been Blind since she was 8 years old after being diagnosed with a rare and hard-to-detect cancer called germinoma, read Doerr's book and hoped it someday would get the Hollywood treatment.
Jake Gyllenhaal is opening up about the visual impairment he has dealt with since he was born. The Road House actor — who has most recently taken on a role previously helmed by Harrison Ford for a new Presumed Innocent miniseries — is legally blind, however he has made it a point of advantage in his acting career.