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Lord royce game of thrones actor: 59 Photos

Yohn Royce | Wiki of Westeros | Fandom

Sansa revealed her true name in front of Lord Yohn Royce #gameofthrones #sansastark #yohnroyce

Sansa revealed her true name in front of Lord Yohn Royce #gameofthrones #sansastark #yohnroyce....

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Game of Thrones The Dragon and the Wolf (TV Episode 2017) - Rupert Vansittart as Yohn Royce - IMDb.
Rupert Vansittart. Rupert Vansittart: Lord Ashfordly.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(YbrFZpzEGIfSwPAPgbOb0Aw__34,
Lord Yohn Royce, called Bronze Yohn, Lord of Runestone, the ruler of the main branch of the family. Andar Royce, his eldest son and heir. Robar Royce, his second son. Waymar Royce, his youngest son, serving on The Wall.
Personal life. Vansittart has been married to Emma Kate, daughter of the actors Moray Watson and Pamela Marmont, since 1987. They have two children.
Brian Croucher. Brian Croucher: Brian Royce.