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Male actors as women: 59 Photos

7 Male Actors who Played Convincing Movie Roles as Women | About Her

Male actors dressed in drag TV and movies

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Many societies prohibited women from performing on stage, so boys and men took the female roles. Female impersonation often decreased in popularity as women gained this right. Female cross-cast roles are commonly young boy characters, or, in the case of theatre companies like the Takarazuka Revue Company, male heroes.
Throughout The Women, not a single male character is seen or heard.
Cross-casting, or casting roles written for one gender with an actor of the opposite (or non-binary) gender, is actually as old as theater itself. Western theater began in ancient Greece, where female roles were instead played by men or boys.
Some Like It Hot.. One of the most iconic examples of men dressing as women in film is the classic comedy “Some Like It Hot.” Released in 1959, this film tells the story of two musicians who witness a mob hit and must go into hiding disguised as women in an all-female band.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(vLXFZoDXC578wPAPrLzXoQ0__84,