Net actor framework: 59 Photos
Actor Network Theory is a framework that can be used to identify and monitor all the individuals and entities impacted by the implementation of a policy. It also helps in assessing the effectiveness of integrated policies.
The actor model can be used as a framework for modeling, understanding, and reasoning about a wide range of concurrent systems. For example: Electronic mail (email) can be modeled as an actor system. Accounts are modeled as actors and email addresses as actor addresses.
An actor's purpose is the processing of messages, and these messages were sent to the actor from other actors (or from outside the actor system). The piece which connects sender and receiver is the actor's mailbox: each actor has exactly one mailbox to which all senders enqueue their messages.
Akka.NET is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on . NET & Mono. This community-driven port brings C# & F# developers the capabilities of the original Akka framework in Java/Scala.
This theory is built on three fundamental principles: agnosticism, generalized symmetry, and free association. In their simplest form, these ideas convey the notion that there is no obvious separation between the social, natural, and technical.