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Once Upon a Time: Jamie Dornan on Sheriff Grahams Storybrooke Return

#tb - Jamie Dornan a.k.a Sheriff Graham Humbert vs. The Huntsman (Once Upon A Time) 2011-2013🐺🏹⭐️

Throwback ONCE UPON A TIME Source: Disney Studios Video Edition: Jamie Dornan Brasil (JDBR) Legendas: @carla_santelli...

Views: 6650
Youtube - @Jamie Dornan Brasil πŸ‡§πŸ‡·


Horowitz and Kitsis had intended to kill off Graham since the pilot episode was picked up, believing that it would add stakes to the series and show viewers that the story is not in Henry's head. The episode is considered significant, as Graham's death reveals that Regina is aware of her fairytale past.
By Once Upon a Time season 3, Dornan had been gone from the show for two years, and his career was headed toward new and more prominent roles. In fact, Dornan couldn't return to Once Upon a Time because he was too busy preparing for his role as CEO and kink master Christian Grey in the film Fifty Shades of Grey.
He was originally supposed to be Sherlock Holmes, but the creators could not get the rights and made him the huntsman instead. Graham is a fan of pixie sticks, according to the original script.
The Huntsman is based on the character of the same name from the fairytale Snow White, the Huntsman from the Disney film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and the hunter/woodcutter from the fairytale Little Red Riding Hood.