Python actor model framework: 59 Photos
The actor model can be used as a framework for modeling, understanding, and reasoning about a wide range of concurrent systems. For example: Electronic mail (email) can be modeled as an actor system. Accounts are modeled as actors and email addresses as actor addresses.
Pykka is a Python implementation of the actor model. The actor model introduces some simple rules to control the sharing of state and cooperation between execution units, which makes it easier to build concurrent applications. For a quickstart guide and a complete API reference, see the documentation.
Thespian is a Python library providing a framework for developing concurrent, distributed, fault tolerant applications. Thespian is built on the Actor Model which allows applications to be written as a group of independently executing but cooperating Actors which communicate via messages.
Actix is a rust library providing a framework for developing concurrent applications. Actix is built on the Actor Model which allows applications to be written as a group of independently executing but cooperating Actors which communicate via messages.
One of the biggest risks with the Actor Model is that one can create an architecture with too many actors in play that are not managed by some sort of central controller. This entity knows the state of each actor that works within the system, and monitors those subordinate actors to ensure that they operate properly.