Sound of freedom little boy actor: 60 Photos
Sound of Freedom makes history at the box pictures
SOUND OF FREEDOM | Child trafficker gets caught at the border (scene)
Sound of Freedom Actor Jim Caviezel and Real-Life photographs
Sound of Freedom - Official Trailer (2023)
Sound of Freedom Clip - Millstone
Tim Ballard: Pedophiles salivating at media outlets ripping Sound of Freedom
Sound of Freedom | Official Trailer | Angel Studios
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Lucás Ávila. When finding the child actors for Sound of Freedom, Monteverde looked for children with little acting experience, who had not lost their innocence. It was especially important for the main two children Ballard rescues in the film, Rocio (Cristal Aparicio) and her brother, Miguel (Lucás Ávila).);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(0bXFZsDvIL2FwPAPiYK-6Ak__33,
One of the primary points of contention revolves around the film's portrayal of child trafficking. Experts, including Erin Albright, a former fellow for the Department of Justice's anti-trafficking task force, argue that the depiction is inaccurate and sensationalized.
54 minors. According to Ballard, the island rescue Operation Triple Take involved both minors and adults, while the film portrays all victims as children. Ballard claimed that his team not only rescued 54 minors, but 123 individuals at two additional locations.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(0bXFZsDvIL2FwPAPiYK-6Ak__40,
“Sound of Freedom” was based on a true story but contains dramatized elements. Filmmakers took creative license in portraying the different ways that children can be trafficked, including in shipping containers.
Little Boy (2015) - Barry Ford as The Narrator - IMDb.