Star trek enterprise shran actor: 59 Photos
Jeffrey Combs Versatile Star Trek Roles photo images
Shran Tribute [Star Trek Enterprise]
nine onscreen. He has played nine onscreen roles in the Star Trek universe. His largest science-fiction role to date was his regular guest role on Deep Space Nine as the Vorta clone Weyoun. Combs has said that Weyoun was his favorite Star Trek role, and that he had considerable input in developing the character.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(TrfFZuPUPOuPwPAPtoHd0Ao__147,
Jeffrey Combs plays the Andorian Commander Shran. Combs had previously appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as several characters such as Weyoun and the Ferengi Brunt.
Jeffrey Combs. Shran is an Andorian. He was played by Jeffrey Combs, who has played numerous characters in three other Star Trek series. Shran is a highly capable and decorated officer in the Andorian Imperial Guard. He holds the rank of commander, and when first seen was the commanding officer of the starship Kumari.
Vaughn Armstrong. With 11 appearances, Vaughn Armstrong easily (and not unexpectedly) tops the list of the actors with the most different Trek parts.
Shran eventually married Jhamel. In 2156, she gave birth to their first child, Talla. Two years later, Shran had quit the Imperial Guard, even though he was considered a hero.