Taps actors: 59 Photos
Taps (1981) photos
Taps - Cast from 1981 to 2022 then and now - Guess who is last actor !
19. The Hollywood Reporter's review of Taps in 1981 showed prescient understatement when it said the supporting cast demonstrated a potential for future assignments. That would include the unknown pair of Tom Cruise, then 19, and Sean Penn, 21.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(JbPFZsHjAoemwPAPj-XLkAs__132,
Tom Cruise was originally going to play a background character in the film, but director Harold Becker was so impressed by the way he conducted himself as one of the military cadets during rehearsals that he was offered the part of David Shawn.
There is no basis at all to the story, except that it occurred near Harrison's Landing in July 1862, where the true origin took place. So where did this myth come from? I have traced this tale to a Ripley's Believe It Or Not story that Robert Ripley created for his short-lived TV program in 1949.
Taps is a film that shows how some young minds will act when they follow to the letter things they have learned in theory in the classroom.
Cruise is known to drink plenty of water throughout the day. As we age, our sense of thirst may not be as sharp, so it's crucial to make a conscious effort to stay hydrated. Water helps maintain skin elasticity, aids in digestion, and keeps your body functioning optimally.