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Thor what if voice actor: 60 Photos

Thor vs. Captain Marvel the Party-Pooper Fight Scene [No BGM] | What If...?

In Paris, Thor is busy taking selfies with other partygoers until Frost Giant Loki with his bodyguard arrives. They cheerfully greet...

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Chris Hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth: Thor, King Thor Odinson. Jump to: Photos (81));})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(sbLFZujTMYiOwPAP_sTk2Qw__30,
Cast and characters. Jordan as Killmonger, and Chris Hemsworth as Thor.
Jeff Bergman. Odin is voiced by Jeff Bergman as in previous episodes of What If…?, instead of Anthony Hopkins.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(sbLFZujTMYiOwPAP_sTk2Qw__37,
Hudson Thames. Hudson Thames (voice of Spidey in What if...?) returns to voice the character in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(sbLFZujTMYiOwPAP_sTk2Qw__41,
Archival footage of the character appears in the Disney+ television series Loki (2021), including an improvised homage to the Another! scene in Thor in the episode Lamentis. Hemsworth voices variants of the character in the Disney+ animated series What If..? (2021).