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Ticklish actors: 60 Photos

sam and colby tickle moments :)

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Youtube - @bl addict


While the palm of the hand is far more sensitive to touch, most people find that the soles of their feet are the most ticklish. Other commonly ticklish areas include the belly, sides of the torso, underarms, ribs, midriff, neck, back of the knee, thighs, buttocks, nose, feet and perineum.
If you are ticklish, you quickly feel uncomfortable when someone lightly touches your skin to make you laugh.
Yes, kids are typically more ticklish than adults, but there's no solid research to explain why. Dr. Vyas says that as you age, your reduction in ticklishness may be due to changes in nerve function and sensitivity.
Some people are physically more sensitive than others, or as Dong puts it: “Everyone has different nerve density.” He adds that genetics could also play a part in ticklishness. Dong does, however, believe you can train yourself to be less ticklish.