Tobey maguire bad actor: 59 Photos
Why Hollywood Wont Cast Tobey Maguire Anymore photos
Tobey Maguire was the WORST Spider-Man
After the box office phenomenon that was Spider-Man 3 from which he received 7.5% of the grossing, Tobey Maguire was essentially “loaded.” Now that he was the epitome of being financially stable, he decided to take the opportunity to take a break from acting to focus on raising a family with his wife at the time.
Maguire initially signed a three-picture deal to portray Peter Parker, but after suffering some serious back injuries during the filming of horse racing drama Seabiscuit in 2002, there was genuine concern that he wouldn't be physically capable of being strapped into a wire rig and getting thrown around the Spider-Man 2 ...
This may seem like an anomaly to many viewers, since Garfield's “Amazing Spider-Man” films were shunned by movie critics and Marvel comic book faithfuls, but, in truth, Garfield has always been the best Spider-Man actor.
When I plug in all my values, plus some other estimates, I get a force from Spider-Man equal to 12.7 million newtons, or 2.8 million pounds. Now we can make a comparison: The Tobey Maguire Spider-Man pulls with a force equal to the weight of one elephant, but Tom Holland's pulls with an equivalent of 219 elephants.
Sony had fired Tobey Maguire when the actor was essaying the role of Peter Parker in Spider-Man, according to a Variety report. As per the report, the producers had fired him because he was suspected of having faked an injury to negotiate a bigger salary.