MoonageDaydream.Film » Actors » Tower of fantasy voice actors japanese main character

Tower of fantasy voice actors japanese main character: 59 Photos

Tower of Fantasy All Characters Simulacra Japanese Dub Voice Actors Seiyuu  Same Anime Characters

Tower of Fantasy All Characters Simulacra Japanese Dub Voice Actors Seiyuu Same Anime Characters

Tower of Fantasy characters – all simulacra 00:00 HUMA - Rie Takahashi 00:09 ECHO - Rumi Ookubo 00:19 ZERO - Ayumu...

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Other Characters
Character NameVoice Actor
FriggEN: Antonia Flynn JP: Shizuka Ito
ZekeEN: Johnny Young JP: Yuuichi Nakamura
Male ProtagonistEN: Brandon Winckler JP: Hiro Shimono
Female ProtagonistEN: Kira Buckland JP: Ayane Sakura
Similar to another massively popular title, Tower of Fantasy also has a Japanese voice acting cast that's nothing to scoff at, each with notable roles from various anime and video game titles that are surely recognizable.
The Wanderer is the protagonist of Tower of Fantasy. They are part of the organization known as the Executor Order, stationed in Hykros.
Brandon Winckler is a Voice Actor and Writer from Chesapeake, VA. He works in Los Angeles, California as an actor for Cartoons, Movies, Video Games, and more.
CharacterOriginal ActorDub Actor
Saki Fuwa¿?Emi Lo
Tian Lang¿?Kaiji Tang
RubiliaMu Xue TingSamantha Berman
Yu LanQin WenjingBrianna Knickerbocker