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Types of non state actors: 59 Photos

What are the examples of state actors and non state actors? - Quora


Phil Williams, in an overview article, identifies five types of VNSAs:
  • Warlords.
  • Militias.
  • Insurgents.
  • Terrorist organizations.
  • Criminal organizations and gangs.
NSAs comprise a broad variety of entities, including subnational governments, commercial firms, academic and scientific institutes, civil society movements, militants and other criminal groups, and even super- empowered individuals.
Non-state Actors include Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) that operate with the consent of the State Actors that constitute them, like the United Nations; Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), private, non-profit groups that promote the public good, like the International Red Cross; and Multinational Enterprises ...
Non-state actors vary greatly and include individuals, mobs, vigilante groups, anti-government insurgents, militant organizations, and U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) and/or are members of the al-Qaeda terrorist network.
For example, among NSAs are non-profit organizations, labor unions, non-governmental organizations, banks, corporations, media organizations, business magnates, people's liberation movements, lobby groups, religious groups, aid agencies, and violent non-state actors such as paramilitary forces.