Ue4 add gameplay tag to actor: 59 Photos
Using GameplayTags | Shooter Tutorial photographs
Everything You Need To Know About TAGS In UE4(Actor & Actor Component tags)
You have a few options: 1) Implement the IGameplayTagAssetInterface interface and use that to get/check the tags that you're interested in, 2) Add gameplay tags to a custom AActor class and use that for all your actors (but this can be tough to apply to all actor types), 3) create a custom component that you can place ...
Scene Components are a subclass of Actor Components that have a transform, that is, a relative location, rotation, and scale.
Adding decals to the level. The easiest way to add decals to a scene is to select an appropriate decal material in the Content Browser , then right-click inside the Viewport and choose Place Actor from the context menu. The decal may then be resized and oriented using the transformation tools.