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Vera mr robot actor: 59 Photos

Elliot Villar - IMDb


Vera assures Elliot that he isn't alone anymore, but Krista sneaks up and stabs Vera in the back, killing him.
He then introduced himself to Elliot and took a liking to him because he reminded him of himself when he was younger because he was also depressed, hated himself and tried to kill himself back then.
Even then, he kidnapped Elliot, threatened his therapist Krista, and forced him to relive traumatic memories. Vera was a highly philosophical man, who believed in destiny and that fate had brought him and Elliot together.
Fernando Vera. In July 2015, Villar debuted his character Fernando Vera, an eccentric Dominican gangster, in the series premiere of USA's Mr. Robot. He appeared in three episodes in the first season and next appeared in the post-credit scene of the third season's finale episode.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(HbPFZrfcLceDm9cP_oeQiQk__34,
Despite claiming to have loved Shayla, Vera was shown to have raped her; after Elliot gets him sent to prison, he doesn't hesitate to have Shayla killed, as Vera had moved on from Shayla and had found Elliot to be the new object of his desires.